Мифы Ирландии


Мифологический цикл

Книга Захватов Ирландии (2024)
С.В. Крыжановский
Из «Книги Захватов Ирландии». Отрывок (1991
С.В. Шкунаев
Lebor Gabála Érenn
The Book of Invasions
(LL version)
Lebor Gabála Érenn
Redaction I
The Book of Invasions
Redaction I
Lebor Gabála Érenn
Redaction II
The Book of Invasions
Redaction II
Lebor Gabála Érenn
Redaction III
The Book of Invasions
Redaction III
Свиток Королей (2024)
С.В. Крыжановский
Do Flathiusaib HérendThe Roll of the Kings
Miniugad: a Lebor Gabála Érenn redactionMiniugad: a Lebor Gabála Érenn redaction
Mícheál Ó Cléirigh’s Lebor Gabála Érenn redactionMícheál Ó Cléirigh’s Lebor Gabála Érenn redaction
Lebor BretnachThe Book of Britain
(Irish Nennius)
«…feraid cath fri clannaib Nemid…»The Invasion of Nemed
Cath Maige Tuired CungaThe First Battle of Magh Turedh
Битва при Маг Туиред (1985)
С.В. Шкунаев
Cath Maige TuiredCath Maige TuiredThe Second Battle of Magh Turedh
Tuath De Danand na set soimThe Jewels of the Tuatha De Danann
The Satire of Cairpre upon Bres
Судьба сыновей Туренна (2022)
И. Ветринский (Касталия)
Oidheadh Chloinne TuireannThe Fate of the Children of Turenn
Tochomlod mac Miledh a hEspain i nErindThe Progress of the Sons of Mil from Spain to Ireland
(How the Dagda Got His Magic Staff)How the Dagda Got His Magic Staff
De Gabáil in t-SídaHow Oengus Won the Brugh
Сватовство к Этайн (1991)
С.В. Шкунаев
Любовь к Этайн
А. Смирнов
Tochmarc Étaine
The Wooing of Etain
The Wooing of Etain
Egerton 1782 version
Разрушение дома Да Дерга
С. Шкунаев
Togail Bruidne Da DergaThe Destruction of Da Derga’s Hostel
Видение Энгуса
Т. Михайлова
Aislinge ÓengusoThe Dream of Oengus
The House of Oengus mac Og
Судьба детей Лира (2007)
А.В. Платов
Oidheadh Chloinne LirThe Fate of the Children of Lir
Воспитание в Домах Двух Чаш
С. Шкунаев
Altram Tige Dá MedarThe Fosterage of the House of Two Milk-pails
Scél Túain maic CairillThe Tale of Tuan mac Carill
Установление владений Тары
С. Шкунаев
Suidigud Tellaich TemraThe Settling of the Manor of Tara
Приключения Лейтин (2022)
И. Ветринский (Касталия)
Eachtra LéithínThe Adventures of Leithin
Moí coire coir goiriathThe Hawk of Achill
Selected verses
Cía cétliaigh robúi ind-ÉrinnWho were the first doctors in Ireland?
Cóir AnmannThe Fitness of Names
Эмайн Маха (2001)
С.В. Шабалов
The Founding of Emain Macha
Bodleian Dinnshenchas
(Rawl B 506)
Bodleian Dinnshenchas
Whitley Stokes
Edinburgh Dindsenchas
(MS Kilbride XVI)
Edinburgh Dindsenchas
Whitley Stokes
Старина Мест (1991) (Отрывок)
С.В. Шкунаев
Rennes Dindsenchas I
(Rennes MS)
Rennes Dindsenchas I
Rennes Dindsenchas II
(Rennes MS)
Rennes Dindsenchas II
Rennes Dindsenchas III
(Rennes MS)
Rennes Dindsenchas III
Rennes Dindsenchas IV
(Rennes MS)
Rennes Dindsenchas IV
Metrical Dindsenchas (vol. 1)The Lore of Places (vol. 1)
Metrical Dindsenchas (vol. 2)The Lore of Places (vol. 2)
Metrical Dindsenchas (vol. 3)The Lore of Places (vol. 3)
Metrical Dindsenchas (vol. 4)The Lore of Places (vol. 4)
BanshenchusThe Lore of Women
The Battle of Partholon's SonsThe Battle of Partholon’s Sons

Уладский цикл

Как было найдено Похищение Быка из Куальнге (1985)
Т.А. Михайлова
Do Faillsigud Tána Bó CúailngeThe Recovery of the Tale of the Cattle Raid of Cooley
О ссоре двух свинопасов
Т. Михайлова
De Chopur in dá MuccidaThe Quarrel of the Pigkeepers
Видение Энгуса
Т. Михайлова
Aislinge ÓengusoThe Dream of Oengus
Scéla Conchobuir meic Nessa
The Tidings of Conchobar son of Ness
Рождение Конхобара
Т. Михайлова
Compert Conchobuir
(Rawl B 512)
The Birth of Conchobhar
Compert ConchobuirThe Birth of Conchobhar
Compert ConchobuirThe Birth of Conchobhar
(Stowe 992)
Ces UladThe Affliction of the Ulstermen
Недуг Уладов (1985)
Т. Михайлова
Недуг Уладов (1929)
А.А. Смирнов
Noínden Ulad
(Harleian 5280)
The Debility of the Ulstermen
Noínden Ulad
The Debility of the Ulstermen
Noínden Ulad
The Debility of the Ulstermen
Tochmarc Cruinn Ocus MachaThe Courtship of Cruinne and Macha
Cath Aenaig Macha (from Cóir Anmann, §245)The Battle of the Assembly of Macha
Ferchuitred Medba (AKA Cath na Bóinne)Medb’s Men, or, the Battle of the Boyne
Athirne and Amairgen son of Ecet SalachDoes Greth Eat Curds?
Aigidecht AithirneThe Guesting of Athirne: How Amorgen became Athirne’s Pupil
Athirne Áilgessach & Mider Brí LéithAthirne the Unsociable
alternate translation
Сватовство к Луайне и смерть Атирне
С. Шкунаев
Tochmarc Luaine 7 Aidedh Aithairne AndsoThe Wooing of Luaine and the Death of Athirne
Cath CumairThe Battle of Cumar
Рождение Кухулина (1929)
А.А. Смирнов
Compert Con Culainn
The Birth of Cú Chulainn
Compert Con Culainn: Feis Tige Becfoltaig
(Egerton 1782)
The Birth of Cú Chulainn: The Feast of the House of Becfoltaig
Macgnimrada Con CulaindThe Boyhood Deeds of Cú Chulainn
Сватовство к Эмер (1929)
А.А. Смирнов
Сватовство к Эмер (1985)
С.В. Шкунаев
Tochmarc EmireThe Wooing of Emer
(Rawlinson B. 512)
Tochmarc Emire
The Wooing of Emer
Aithed Emere le Tuir n-Glesta mac rig LochlannThe Elopement Of Emer With Tuir Glesta, Son Of The King Of Norway
Do Fogluim Chonculainn Annso SiosThe Training of Cú Chulainn
Verba ScáthaigeThe Words of Scáthach
Cú Chulainn’s Shield
Aided DerbforgaillThe Death of Derbforgaill
Toruigheacht Gruaidhe GriansholusThe Pursuit of Gruaidh Ghriansholus
Comracc Conchulaind re Senbecc hua n-Ebricc a Segais in soThe combat of Cuchulaind with Senbecc, grandson of Ebrecc, from Segais
Comracc Conchulaind re Senbecc hua n-Ebricc a Segais in soCuchulainn and Senbecc, grandson of Ebrecc
Togail tSitha TruimThe Destruction of Síd Truim
Aided Óenfir AífeThe Tragic Death of Connla, or, the Death of Aoife’s Only Son
Ainfer AifeThe Death of Aoife’s Only Son
Болезнь Кухулина (1929)
А.А. Смирнов
Единственная ревность Эмер (фольклорная версия) (2021)
А.И. Блейз
Serglige Con CulainnThe Wasting Sickness of Cú Chulainn, and the Only Jealousy of Emer
Повесть о свинье Мак-Дато (1929)
А.А. Смирнов
Повесть о кабане Мак Дато
Т.А. Михайлова
Scéla Mucce Meic DathóThe Tale of Mac Datho’s Pig
The Tale of Mac Datho’s Pig
(Rawlinson B. 512)
Talland EtairThe Siege of Howth
Похищение стад Фроэха
С. Шкунаев
Táin Bó FráichThe Cattle-Raid of Fraech
Похищение коров Регамона
Т. Михайлова
Táin Bó RegamainThe Cattle-Raid of Regamon
Похищение коров Дартады
Т. Михайлова
Táin Bó Dartada
(LU version)
The Cattle-Raid of Dartaid
Похищение коров Флидас
Т. Михайлова
Táin Bó Flidais
(LU Version)
The Driving of Flidais’ Cattle
Táin Bó Flidais
(LL version)
Похищение коровы Регамны
Т. Михайлова
Táin Bó RegamnaThe Cattle-Raid of Regamna
Mesca UladThe Intoxication of the Ulstermen
Изгнание сыновей Уснеха (1929)
А.А. Смирнов
Изгнание сыновей Уснеха
Т. Михайлова
Longes mac n-Uislenn
(LU Version)
The Exile of the Sons of Usench
Longes mac n-Uislenn
(LL Version)
Aided Chloinne Uisnig (Ms LIII & Ms LVI Edinburgh)The Exile of the Sons of Usench
Fochond loingse Fergusa meic RoigThe Cause of the Exile of Fergus mac Roig
Tochmarch FerbeThe Wooing of Ferb
Leinster version
The Wooing of Ferb
Eagerton version
Cath Ruis na RígThe Battle of Ruis na Ríg
Cath FiondchoradhThe Battle of Findchorad
Aided Guill Maic Carbada Ocus Aided Gairb Glinne RigeThe Violent Deaths of Goll and Garb
Приключение Неры
Т. Михайлова
Echtra Nerai [al. Táin Bó Aingen]The Adventures of Nera, or, the Cattle-Raid of Angen
Пир Брикрена
Л. Володарская
Fled Bricrenn
LU version
Bricriu’s Feast
George Henderson
Fled Bricrenn 7 Longes Mac n-Duíl DermaitThe Feast of Bricriu and the Exile of the Sons of Doél Dermait
Tochmarc TreblainneThe Wooing of Treblann
Бой Кухулина с Фердиадом (1929)
А.А. Смирнов
Táin Bó CúailngeThe Cattle-Raid of Cooley: The First Recention
The Cattle-Raid of Cooley: The Leinster Version.
Táin Bó Cúailnge
The Cattle-Raid of Cooley: The Dunn Translation
Adaigh ConRoiThe Death of Cu Roi mac Dairi
(Egerton 88)
Aided Conrói maic DáiriThe Tragic Death of Cu Roi mac Dairi
Adaigh ConRoiThe Death of Cu Roi mac Dairi
(Laud 610)
Brinna Ferchertne (Adaigh ConRoi)The Death of Cu Roi mac Dairi
(Laud 610)
Разговор двух мудрецов
С. Шкунаев
Immacallam in Dá ThúaradThe Colloquy of the Two Sages
The Colloquy of the Two Sages
(Stohellou’s site)
The Colloquy of the Two Sages
(with Stokes’s notes)
Aided Cheltchair maic UthechairThe Death of Celtchar
Aided Lóegairi BúadaigThe Death of Loegaire Buadach
Смерть Кухулина
А. Смирнов
Aided ConculaindThe Death of Cuchulain
Смерть Кухулина
С. Шкунаев
Brislech mór Maige MurthemniThe Great Defeat on the Plain of Muirthemne
Смерть Конхобара
Т. Михайлова
Aided ChonchobuirThe Death of Conchobar
The Death of Conchobar
(MS. 23. N. 10 (R.I.A.))
The Death of Conchobar
(Liber Flavus Fergusiorum)
The Death of Conchobar
(Stowe mns. D. 4. 2)
Разрушение Дома Да Хока
С. Шкунаев
Togail Bruidne Da ChocaDa Chocha’s Hostel
Cath AirtigThe Battle of Airtech
Aided Cheit maic MágachThe Death of Cet mac Magach
Aided Fergusa maic RóichThe Death of Fergus mac Roich
Забота о Конале Кернахе
С. Шабалов
Aided Ailella & Conaill ChernaigThe Death of Ailill and Connal Cernach
Aided MeidbeThe Death of Medb
Síaburcharpat Con CulainnThe Phantom Chariot of Cú Chulainn
De genelogia Con CulaindThe Genealogy of Cú Chulainn

Цикл Фениев

Fotha Catha ChnuchaThe Cause of the Battle of Cnucha
Macgnímartha FinnThe Boyhood Deeds of Fionn
Tucait Fagbála In Fesa Do Finn 7 Marbad Cuil DuibHow Find Found Knowledge and the Slaying of Cul Dub
Di Chetharslicht Athgabála
Finn and the Man in the Tree
Airem Muintere FindThe Enumeration of Finn’s People
Bruiden AthaThe Hostel (or Fight) of the Ford
Bruiden Bheag na hAlmanThe Little Brawl at the Hill of Allen
Финн и Призраки
С. Шабалов
Echtra Fhind i nDerc FernaFinn and the Phantoms
Bruidhean Chéise CorainnThe Enchanted Cave of Keshcorran
Bruidhean Eochaidh Bhig DheirgRed-haired Eochaid’s Enchanted Hall
Duan Mhic Rígh GhréagThe Lay of the King of Greece’s son
Tochmarc AilbeThe Wooing of Ailbe
Заколдованный Дворец Рябин
Д. Абрамов
Bruidhean ChaorthainnThe Fairy-Palace of the Rowan Trees
Cath FinntrághaThe Battle of Ventry
Echtra Bhodaigh an chóta lachtnaThe Adventure of the Churlish Clown in the Grey-Drab Coat
Cath Sléphe CáinThe Battle of Sléphe Cáin
Echtra An Ghiolla DheacairThe Pursuit of the Hard Gilly
Feis Tige ChonáinThe Feast at Conan’s House
Finn & GrainneFinn and Grainne
Преследование Диармайда и Грайне
А. Смирнов
Toruigheacht Diarmada agus GrainneThe Pursuit of Diarmuid and Grainne
Uath Beinne EtairThe Hiding of the Hill of Howth
Cath GabhraThe Battle of Gabhra
(prose version)
Cath FinntrághaThe Battle of Ventry and the Death of Finn
The Chase of Sid na mBan Finn and the Death of Finn
Aided FindThe Death of Finn
long version
The Death of Finn
fragment version
Tesmolad Corbmaic ui Cuinn 7 Finn meic CumhaillThe Panegyric of Cormac mac Airt and the Death of Finn
Acallamh na SenórachThe Colloquy of the Old Men
Duanaire FinnThe Poem-book of Fionn
Duanaire OisínThe Poems of Oisín: many texts
Scél asa mberar co mbad hé Find mac Cumaill MongánHow it was learned that Mongan was Fionn reincarnated

Королевский цикл

Разрушение Динн Риг
С. Шкунаев
Orgain Denna RígThe Destruction of Dind Rig
Aided Fhergusa maic LéideThe Tragic Death of Fergus mac Leide
Imthechta Tuaithe Luachra & Aided FergusaThe Tragic Death of Fergus mac Leide
(Egerton 1782)
Longes Chonaill ChuircThe Exile of Conall Corc
Приключения сыновей Эохайда Мугмедона
С. Шкунаев
Echtra mac nEchach MuigmedónThe Adventures of the Sons of Eochaid Mugmedon
Смерть Кримтана, сына Фидаха, и трех сыновей Эохайда Мугмедона: Бриана, Айлиля и Фиахра
С. Шкунаев
Aided Chrimthainn meic FidaigThe Death of Crimthann
Оправдания дочери Гулиде
Т. Михайлова
Erchoitmed Ingine GulidiThe Excuse of Gulide’s Daughter
Aided Néill NóigiallaigThe Death of Niall of the Nine Hostages
Легара мак Кривен посещает волшебную реальность Мо Мел или Равнину Радости. Ши Фихны
Д. Абрамов
Echtra Laegaire meic CrimthainnLaeghaire mac Crimthann’s visit to the fairy realm
Laegaire Mac Crimthann’s Visit to Fairyland
Смерть Муйрхертах, сына Эрк
А. Смирнов
Aided Muirchertaig Meic ErcaThe Death of Muircertach mac Erca
Смерть Муйрхертаха, сына Эрк
С. Шабалов
Извержение Лох Эках
С. Шабалов
Aided Echdach maic MaíredaThe Tale of Liban the Mermaid and the Death of Eochaid
Stair Ar Aed BaclámThe Story of Aedh Baclamh
Genemain Áeda SláneThe Birth of Aedh Slaine
Cenngalar Diarmata meic CerbaillDiarmait mac Cerbaill’s Headache
Díarmait and the Head
Orgguin Trí Mac Díarmata mic CerbaillThe Slaying of the Three Sons of Díarmait mac Cerbaill
Aided Díarmata Meic Fergusa CerbeoilThe Death of Díarmait
Aided Máelodráin meic Dímma ChróinThe Violent Death of Máelodrán mac Dímma Cróin
Обольщение Бекфолы
С. Шабалов
Tochmarc BecfholaThe Wooing of Becfola
Cath Cairn ChonaillThe Battle of Carnn Chonaill
Убийство Ронаном родича
С. Шкунаев
Fingal RónáinHow Ronan Slew His Son
Gein Branduib maic Echach & Aedá in maic GabráinThe Birth of Brandub son of Eochu and of Aedán son of Gabrán
Fled Dúin na nGédThe Feast of the Fort of Geese and the Battle of Magh Rath
Cath Muigi RathThe Battle of Magh Rath
Buile ShuibhneThe Frenzy of Suibhne
The Battle of Moire: summary
Fiachna mac Báetáin & Ríge AlbanFiachna mac Báetáin and the Kingship of Scotland
Tromdhámh Ghuaire The Heavy Hosting of Guaire
Битва при Алмайне
С. Шкунаев
Cath AlmaineThe Battle of Allen
Fáitsine Fergaile meic Máele DúinFergal mac Máele Dúin’s Prophecy
Scéla Néill FrossaigStory about Níall Frossac
The Conn & Cormac Cycle
Comram na Clóenferta/Mortlaid ban TemraThe Triumph of the Sloping Mound/The Death of the Women of Tara
Tuathal Techtmar & Ríge na hÉrennTuathal Techtmar and the Kingship of Ireland
Tochmarc MoméraThe Wooing of Momera
Видение Фингена
С. Шкунаев
Airne FíngeinFíngen’s Nightwatch
Éogan Mór & Conn CétchathachÉogan Mór and Conn Cétchathach
Do bunad imthechta Éoganachta
Cath Maighe LénaThe Battle of Magh Lena
Baile in ScáilThe Phantom’s Frenzy
Baile Chuind ChétchathaigThe Frenzy of Conn
Aided Chuinn ChétchathaigThe Death of Conn
Приключение Конлы Красного
С. Шабалов
Echtra CondlaThe Adventures of Connla
Исчезновение Кондлы Прекрасного, сына Конда Ста Битв
А, Смирнов
Повесть о Байле Доброй Славы
А. Смирнов
Baile Binnbérlach mac Búain
(Harl. 5280)
The Story of Baile of the Clear Voice
Baile Binnbérlach mac BúainBaile Binnbérlach (fragment)
Приключение Арта, сына Конна
С. Шабалов
Echtra Airt meic Chuind & Tochmarc DelbchaemeThe Adventures of Art son of Conn
Ailill Aulom, Mac Con & Find ua BáiscneAilill Aulom, Mac Con, and Finn O’Báiscne
Iarfaiged nech acaib damThe Yew Tree of the Disputing Sons
Cath Cinn AbradThe Battle of Cen Abrad
Scéla Moshauluim & Maic Con & LuigdechThe Tidings of Moshaulum
Битва при Маг Мукриме
С. Шкунаев
Cath Maige MucramaThe Battle of Magh Mucrama
Aided Mac ConThe Death of Mac Con
Note about Fiacha MuillethanNote about Fiacha Muillethan
Scéla Éogain & CormaicThe Heroic Birth of Cormac
Version 1
Genemain ChormaicThe Birth of Cormac
Version 2
Песни Дома Бухета
С. Шкунаев
Esnada Tige BuchetThe Melody of the House of Buchet
(prose version)
Esnada Tige BuchetThe Melody of the House of Buchet
(metrical version)
Битва при Кринне (2013)
М. Алиев
Cath CrinnaThe Battle of Crinna
Cormac & CiarnatCormac and Ciarnat
Scél na Fír FlathaThe Tale of the Ordeals
Приключения Кормака в Обетованной стране
А. Смирнов
Echtra Chormaic i Tír TairngiriCormac’s Adventures in the Land of Fairy
Приключение Кормака в Обетованной Стране
С. Шабалов
Cormac & Geilti GlinniCormac mac Airt and the Sprites of the Glen
Inmael & InecenInmael and Inecen
Мудрость Кормака (1960)
Н.В. Шершевская
Tecosca CormaicThe Instructions of King Cormac
Immacallam Cormaic & FíthilThe Dialogue between Cormac and Fíthel
Forbhais Droma DamhghaireThe Seige of Knocklong: summary
Tesmolad Corbmaic Ui Cuinn & Finn meic CumhaillThe Panegyric of Cormac mac Airt and the Death of Finn
Cuirn sin tucad do Cormac u Cuinn dar muirThe Three Drinking-horns of Cormac ua Cuinn
Изгнание Десси
С. Шкунаев
Tairired na nDéssiThe Expulsion of the Dessi
Rawl. 502 version
Tucait indarba na nDéssiThe Expulsion of the Dessi
Lebor na hUidre version
Aided Chormaic: extractThe Death of Cormac mac Airt
The Mongan Cycle
Плавание Брана, сына Фебала (1929)
А.А. Смирнов
Immram BrainThe Voyage of Bran mac Febral
Immacallam in Druad Brain ocus inna Banfháitho FebuilThe Dialogue of Bran’s Druid and the Prophetess of Lough Foyle
Рождение Монгана
С. Шабалов
Compert Mongáin: version 1The Conception of Mongan
Compert Mongan: version 2The Birth of Mongan
Scél MongánA Story of Mongan
Монган и Форгалл-Поэт
С. Шабалов
Scél asa mberar co mbad hé Find mac Cumaill MongánHow it was learned that Mongan was Fionn reincarnated
Cid dia tall Eochaid Rígéiges degiartaige ó Mongán?Why Mongan was Deprived of Issue
Tucait baile MongánThe Cause of the Recounting of Mongán’s Frenzy
Imacallam Choluim Chille ocus ind óclaig i Carn EolairgThe Colloquy of Colum Cille and the Youth at Carn Eolairg
Mura cecinitThe Meeting of Mongan and Colum
Mongan cecinitdo Colum CilleMongan’s Song on Columbcille
A Mongáín, a ManandáinO Monagán, O Manannán
I m-BendchurIn Bangor
BanshenchusFrom the Lore of Women


Плавание Брана, сына Фебала (1929)
А.А. Смирнов
Immram BrainThe Voyage of Bran mac Febral
Immacallam in Druad Brain ocus inna Banfháitho FebuilThe Dialogue of Bran’s Druid and the Prophetess of Lough Foyle
Плавание Майль-Дуйна
А. Смирнов
Immrama curaig Mail DúinThe Voyage of Maildun
Плаванье Уа Корра
Т. Михайлова; А. Рудычева
Immrama hua CorraThe Voyage of the Uí Chorra
Плаванье Снегдуса и Мак Риагла
Т. Михайлова; Т. Шингурова
Immram Snedhghusa & meic RiaghlaThe Voyage of Snédgus and Mac Riagla
(poetic version)
The Voyage of Snédgus and Mac Riagla
(prose version)

Miscellaneous Tales

Echtra AmbacucAmbacuc’s Adventure
CaenchomracThe Disappearance of Caenchomrac
Cormac mac Cuilennáin and the Jesters
Cormac mac Cuilennáin & Fernóc Inse CeltraCormac mac Cuilennáin and the Alder of Inis Celtra
Baile BricínThe Vision of Bricín
Comrac Liadaine ocus CuirithirThe Romance of Liadan and Curithir
Giolla an FhiugaThe Lad of the Ferule
Caithréim Conghal CláiringhneachMartial Career of Conghal Cláiringhneach
On the Ghost of Mac Maguire

The Mogh Ruith/Tlachtga Cycle


Триады ИрландииTrecheng Breth FéneThe Triads of Ireland
Timna Chathaír MáirThe Testament of Cathair
Audacht MorainnThe Testament of Morann
Мудрость Кормака
Н. Шершевская
Tecosca CormaicThe Instructions of King Cormac
Мог Эйме
С. Шабалов
Глам Дицин
С. Шабалов
Sanas Cormaic
(Leabhar Breacc)
Cormac’s Glossary
Sanas Cormaic
Sanas Cormaic
(Leinster frag.)
O’Mulconry’s GlossaryO’Mulconry’s Glossary
Dúil LaithneLaithne’s Collection
Dúil Dromma CettaDromma Cetta’s Collection
O’Davoran’s Glossary
The Lecan Glossary
Cóir AnmannThe Fitness of Names
Тексты, связанные с Огамом / Ogham-Related Texts
Книга ОгамаLebor OgaimThe Oghams Book
Auraicept na n-ÉcesThe Scholar’s Primer
Traigshruth FirchertneThe Briatharogum
De Dúlib Feda na Fored
Магические тексты / Magical Texts
Fiachairecht & DreanachtAugury of Ravens and Wrens
Stowe Missal RubricsStowe Missal Rubrics
St. Gall IncantationsSt. Gall Incantations
Stowe Missal IncantationsStowe Missal Incantations
The Klosterneuburg IncantationThe Klosterneuburg Incantation
Разнообразные источники мудрости / Miscellaneous Wisdom Literature
Do Nemthigud FiledOf the Qualifications of the Poet
Arsaidh sin a eoúin AcclaThe Cauldron of Poesy
Immacallaim in dá Thuarad
The Colloquy of the Two Sages
Saltair na RannThe Psaltar
BóramaThe Tributes
Óenach TaltenThe Festival at Tailtiu (Teltown)